About Us

Mission Statement
Peoples LGBT+ United Society (PLUS) is a working-class oriented organization striving towards the liberation of the LGBT+ community from capitalist persecution, corruption, and co-option. Our mission is to defend the LGBT+ community from all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse, chauvinism, and bigotry. We advocate for better healthcare, housing, safety, and social policies relating to the LGBT+ community. Uniting against LGBT+ oppression contributes to liberty and justice for all.
Movement for People’s Democracy
PLUS is a affiliated organization of Movement for People’s Democracy (MPD). MPD is a coalition of several progressive working-class organizations that take on several political issues. If you are interested in Movement for People’s Democracy, feel free to visit them by clicking the logo below!
Media and Updates
- Trump’s Executive Orders Promoting Sex Discrimination, ExplainedA new executive order lays out a plan to erase transgender people’s existence under the law by Gillian Branstetter | January 22, 2025 Donald Trump was re-elected president on a wave of attacks against women and transgender people. Anti-transgender politicians spent more than $215 million on ads scapegoating trans people and promoting a Project 2025… Read more: Trump’s Executive Orders Promoting Sex Discrimination, Explained
- Statement on President Trump’s Executive OrderToday President Trump announced his intention to roll back protections for transgender Americans through executive order. Ricardo Martinez, Executive Director of GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD Law), made the following statement: Monday’s executive order is a direct attack on transgender Americans, deliberately making it harder for people to live their everyday lives. It is… Read more: Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order
- The Fight for Transgender Rights Is a Class Struggle Fight for EqualityBy C.J. PolychroniouDec 27, 2024 President-elect Donald Trump said at a conference for young conservatives in Arizona this past Sunday that the official policy of his upcoming administration would be the recognition that there are only two genders, male and female, and pledged to stop “transgender lunacy” from day one of his presidency. Transgender issues… Read more: The Fight for Transgender Rights Is a Class Struggle Fight for Equality
- The State of LGBT+ Rights Around the WorldBy Che Nuñez. The struggle against bigotry and the overt repression of persons of the LGBT+ community has been the cutting edge of social progress during the past 50 years. However, in the United States, recent legislation seeking to repress the LGBT+ community has emerged both nationally and at the state level. Just a brief… Read more: The State of LGBT+ Rights Around the World
- Statement on the 2024 US Presidential ElectionThe results of this year’s Presidential election spell potential disaster for the LGBT+ community. President-Elect Trump ran a reactionary campaign threatening the rights of LGBT+ people. This coincides with increased right-wing demagoguery claiming their anti-LGBT+ views are to “protect the children.” On the campaign trail, Trump levied many threats to strip away the rights of… Read more: Statement on the 2024 US Presidential Election
This song is just very close to our hearts and we want to share it here!